Friday, June 12, 2020

Born to Socially Distance

          Not exactly your typical introverts, there may have been some benefits of having a Covid Wedding, other than the cost savings of course.
Not having to greet that long lost aunty not seen since before Trump became president, and hear her boisterously comment on who gained weight;
neither "Tanty Baby" who likes to whisper about everyone's business, is a relief to most communal type families.
           If you prefer late night Netflix and movies compared to going out clubbing then you may be an apple not far from our tree. Being stuck at home apparently under duress was the perfect blanket to cover both of our antisocial tendencies. I mean, even millenials get that putting on pajamas after work at 6pm represents a menial freedom forsaken by the 80's kids.
           It also gave us lots of time together. We will share more of our experiences together with you guys on this blog. Be sure to let us know what areas or topics are your favourites and it will be posted! Getting to know your partner while living together is definitely different to knowing each other for several years before that.

For us, this was not something to be taken for granted as both of us are Essential Workers. I had to put on my Superhero Scrubs and report to work after our day much sooner than I would have liked as all pre-approved leave had been cancelled due to the pandemic. For those of us who know, we take a Round of applause for that!


  1. Cheers to our hard working,dedicated essential workers.
    Our apples are definitely from the same tree! My younger sibling and myself would look at reruns numerous times of the famous comedy- FRIENDS.
    Now that's a classic!

    1. So do we. It's like a must do habit every chance we get to meet up. Doing things together as a family even after growing to live in different households is a must to keep the home extended. Our family spread from five to nine. How big is yours?

    2. Same we absolutely love Friends

  2. Those are the coolest scrubs bro! I'm gonna look for you guys on Instagram and follow

  3. Is it an Indian thing? Or does every family have a "tanty baby" there's one in my family and what you blogged is so true. She loves to talk people business. Or like we like to say, she rel macocious

    1. It may be an Indian thing lol

  4. Sounds like my husband and I are both apples not far from your tree either lol

  5. Loving the superhero scrubs

    1. Yeah the kids must love these scrubs don't they?

  6. Essential workers would have had their leaves cancelled to focus on working against the PANDEMIC. But we are also human beings and should be encouraged to live life

  7. This is great. Enjoy the benefits of a covid wedding


20 vs 30 years old

               It’s been a while since I’ve blogged having taken a break period. I have been trying to channel that energy to focus on more ...