Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Yummy in my tummy

Hey everyone.

As I mentioned in the last post I am a 'spoil' child. I must follow this up by saying that my parents have provided me with everything that I have ever needed and have looked after my needs as I went through grueling rotations in medical school and also working and studying at a postgraduate level.

Now I know that this is no excuse for not taking care of myself but as I like to say,
I KNOW HOW TO DO IT (in theory). (insert WINK emoji)

The one thing that I always wanted to be good at is cooking and this is the one area that you need to have practical knowledge and no matter how much I observed, I was always nervous.

Now you have to understand that my mom has been hailed as a great cook by all of my family members, friends and even in laws.
 Now that’s tough to follow. I am pretty sure Ronnie thinks that one of the perks of marrying me is that my mom’s food lashes (meaning it tastes good).

So in 2018 I decided that I was going to learn to cook. Of course I could not start with roti and curry.

If the food came out bad and Ronnie tasted it, then there was no turning back. So I started small, I had some themed nights. Italian, Mexican and Indian to just name a few. I would research various recipes after coming up with the theme and then set myself up for the day.

Since our schedules at that time was rather erratic, we would usually have these dinners during the week. So all set, my mom and dad were banned from the kitchen apart from looking over my shoulder to make sure I didn’t serve any raw food and I would do my thing.

Most of the food tasted great, I always judge it based on my brethren’s comments as he is definitely not afraid to tell me the truth. I did have a little mishap with some lemon chicken but let us focus on the positives.

Throwback to 2018 when i made chicken Parmesan!

Fast forward 2 years , I let the training go to the wayside as I had exams and life in general. So I was faced with a dilemma. About to be married and can’t cook apart from maybe some pancakes.



Add to that the fact that in the quarantine restrictions, we could not order takeout.

I spent the days before the wedding on Pinterest trying to find easy and quick recipes that I could make for my new hubby.

I can proudly say that for the last two months I have survived and so has Ronnie. We have made pancakes, but we have also made chicken parmesan, some chicken tacos, a broccoli mushroom stir-fry and a few other things!

Some sheet pan chicken and vegetables. The easiest meal I ever made.

I have suffered some extremely superficial burns to my hand but those are usually from using the toaster oven to make toast... 

Ohhh yes. I am that clumsy guys,

My culinary journey still continues as I have to learn how to make curry everything and even the Trini Favourite ROTI.

A video of my mom’s tutorial on how to make curry goat can be yours, just please subscribe and message us to receive the full instructional video.

I must shout out my mom and mother in law as they have helped keep both Ronnie and I fed and happy as I sometimes have work duties and I cannot cook. I will have to figure out how people do this in due time! 


  1. Culinary journey looking goodd! Don't worry I'm sure you will get to roti

  2. Tutorial video asap please!!

  3. Would love the video! Can you post?

  4. Ok so practice really does make perfect. My roti has been getting better and better :). Sometimes if you change the flour though, it's like starting from scratch :(, small ting!
    Also my hubby has definitely made cooking for me easier and fun. He normally chops everything up and I chunky...hehe. We like to call it team work!

    1. Thank you. You guys sound like a fun couple!

  5. We love rotti gimme gimme gimme

  6. Nice read! Before I got married I created my very own recipe book using my mom methods and ingredients. That book is still my go to next to pinterest and Google. Send me a message when you make the roti, I will come over! But I made a mean bread pudding and zucchini lasagna recently


20 vs 30 years old

               It’s been a while since I’ve blogged having taken a break period. I have been trying to channel that energy to focus on more ...