Friday, June 26, 2020

Pot-hole Capital

                Some say Barbados is the roundabout capital of the Caribbean. I find that funny in trying to wrap my head around that saying. Having visited Barbados, I thought their roads were better maintained than ours. The ironic part is that Trinidad contains the largest natural deposit of Asphalt in the world, known as the La Brea Pitch Lake. In the words of Sir Walter Raleigh having discovered the pitch lake, he said "the pitch is excellent and does not melt in the sun like that from Norway." Despite this, Trinidad is commonly referred to as the 'pot-hole capital' of the Caribbean.
                 Only Caribbean people will understand the rivalry between 'Trinis' and 'Bajans,' as exemplified by the 'flying fish' dispute spanning numerous governments and time immemorial. I would argue frequently with my Bajan freind from medical school in good 'picong' banter. A fine example is he would always say that trinis pronounce the word 'water' wrongly as 'wataa.' I would always argue in defence of my people and counter that bajans over enunciate their 'R' letters. Trinis mouth it out and back me up here. Nevertheless, this is not an expose on the Queen's English nor the trini-bajan rivalry and I won't bore you anymore on that topic here.
                 Trinis make no apologies in noting that this pot-hole reputation is largely thanks to WASA- the Water and Sewerage Authority of Trinidad and Tobago. WASA is known more for its reputation of digging up freshly paved roads, than providing fresh potable water to citizens. It's hard to fathom not having a regular water supply living on an island. This is an example of things not as palatable about life as a Trini and is a different spin on the 'laid-back' island life.. As a tourist economy, trinis sometime experience different receptions when vacationing to other caribbean islands. If you've ever experienced similar circumstances please share with us in the comments below! It's also quite expensive for a trini to vacation within the caribbean; cost of flights alone are a deterrent. '
                  We are excited that with the downturn from Covid that there would be some incentives. We wish to plan a trip post Covid not having had a real honeymoon and Barbados seems like a great option being in such close proximity and having thoroughly enjoyed my previous trip there. So far however we have not seen any encouraging signs  Due to lack of available intra-Caribbean flights and subsequently high costs, trinis frequently prefer to visit New York or Miami that generally are within the same range. As a Caricom member state, it is dissuading that we do not receive any incentives, much like exists in the European Union.
                  Being initially hesitant to post negative thoughts or expressions, i thought it would be remiss of me not to mention that living in an island is not all short pants and slippers behaviour. Having a Pandemic experience gives everyone a chance to reflect on the more important things in life, as the grass is not always greener on the other side. As we like to say here, "yuh can't play mas if yuh 'fraid powder." There are persons who go to the beach and don't swim. Similarly, trinis love a 'river lime' and you always scrutinise carefully the person who does not like or has not been to a river lime. It is just unnatural isn't it?


  1. Oh yea, we didnt have a honeymoon either! Totally agree with the ticket prices to other Caribbean islands way too expensive. We plan to visit Jamaica next!

  2. Making me feel to take a trip to the Pitch Lake! Love how you include and express so much about TnT.

    1. Yes. I would visit there more often myself but the funny thing is the road to there is very bad. The mud volcano too.

  3. Sir Walter Raleigh and thing papadaps

  4. Yea I think the holes mash-up my steering rack :(

  5. Flight prices within the caribbean really does suck. Do many places I cannot wait to visit but it seems to workout better to go elsewhere


20 vs 30 years old

               It’s been a while since I’ve blogged having taken a break period. I have been trying to channel that energy to focus on more ...